
Notre philosophie

General Regulation on Data 

• General Regulation on the Protection of Privacy and the European Union of Privacy and Privacy, European Area of ​​the European Union and the European Union (EEA). They are also out-of-area storage personnel from the EU and the EEA.
• Substitute the directive for the protection of data, the regulation of normals and the treatment of personal data RPG. in the European Union or wherever it is located. and the Citizens of Persons, in the processing of data. Personal data controllers must put in place the technical and organizational measures to implement the data protection principles.

B2B Marketing

• In the GDPR, there is a clear difference between B2B and B2C marketing. Under the RGPD, there are six equally valid grounds for the processing of personal data. Two of these are relevant for B2B direct marketing: consent or legitimate agreement. The GDPR states that the processing of personal data ends on marketing. B2B for
"The processing must concern the legitimate interests of your company or a specified third party, provided that the interests or fundamental rights of the person concerned are not on the legitimate interests of the company."
"The treatment must be useful to achieve the legitimate interests of the organization."

Responsibility and responsibility

• Protection of Data Protection, Protection and Data Protection (Data Protection, Data Protection, Design and Default). Data protection by design and by default (Article 25) requires that data protection measures be integrated into the product and service development process. Pseudonymisation of personal data by the data controller as soon as possible (recital 78). It is the responsibility of the data processing to implement the effective measures and to be able to respect the processing activities, even if the processing is processed by the data processing.

Registry of treatment activities

• Records of treatment activities should be kept, including treatment goals, categories involved, and timelines. The records must be available to the supervisory authority. Data protection by design

Data protection by design

Data protection from the design point of view is that data protection is integrated into the development of the processes of products and services. Confidentiality parameters must be defined with a high level of design and processing, they must take technical and procedural measures to ensure the treatment, throughout its life cycle, complies with the regulations. Supervisors must also put in place mechanisms to ensure that personal data is not processed unless it is necessary for each specific purpose. Data protection by design

Permission to access

• The right of access is a data subject. It Data to Privacy Privacy. One-based treatment treatment, on request, the preview of the data of treatment, as a copy of data real. In addition, we are responsible for the treatment.
This is a self-transferer of the data of the person and the treatment of computer processing, the one of self treatment. This is a copy of an anonymised are here., Is one of self-use, is also available. In practice, however, provide identifiers that may be difficult, as in the case of Siri